
29.01.2024 Featured news stories FUTA Slashes School Fees Weeks After Student Protests

Published 29th Jan, 2024

By Joseph Adeiye

The Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), Ondo State, has released a new schedule of school fees for its 2023/2024 academic session.

This happened weeks after a student protest made the news.

FUTA’s management published its new school fees on its social media pages on Sunday.

Fees dropped from N240,500 to N159,500 for 100-level and newly admitted 200-level students. The fees also dropped from over N100,000 to the region of N70,000 for the other levels.

READ MORE: To Quell Protests Over Fee Hikes, FUTA Forces Students Out of School

The federal university also announced that its students could pay their school fees in two installments, but there’s a catch.

“Two equal instalmental (sic) payments are allowed and are limited to only the current 200 to 500 level students,” FUTA’s statement read late Sunday.

“The 100 Level and 200 Level DE [direct entry] will pay in full at the beginning of the session. Students who pay 50% first instalment will only be able to register for the first semester and will have to pay before they will be able to register for the second semester.

“Only students who have paid will have access to apply for accommodation and do course registration. Accommodation fee shall be full payment and not instalmental.

“When a student pays the first half of the fees, half of each of the various fees will be credited to his/her account and the other half will be outstanding as a debt against him/her. No student will be able to proceed to do course registration without payment for the semester.”

The new school fees from the management of FUTA. CREDIT: FUTA/Facebook

READ MORE: FUTA Students Protest ‘Sudden’ Increase in School Fees

FUTA students started 2024 with protests against newly proposed school fees that were far more expensive than what they had previously paid. The university claimed that its new school fees were a reflection of the current economic realities in Nigeria, but its students pushed back against the costly fees.

The FUTA student protests reached a head on January 15, and the management of the university sent students out of the school.

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Published 29th Jan, 2024

By Joseph Adeiye


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